[转载]关于Exynos Octa八核,来自xda的解说

新换手机SAMSUNG GT-I9500,正在到处爬文中,翻阅出这样一篇技术资料。保存备用。


I’m going to write this as an guide/information page so we stop as soon as possible the stupid discussions about how 8 cores are useless.
我写这篇文章作为guide/information page ,我们也尽快停止关于8核心处理器多没用的愚蠢讨论吧

What’s it all about?
The Exynos Octa or Exynos 5410 is a big.LITTLE design engineered by ARM and is the first consumer implementation of this technology.
Exynos Octa 或者说 Exynos 5410 是ARM设计的big.LITTLE 架构处理器,并且是这种技术的第一个消费级产品。
Samsung was their lead partner in terms of bringing this to market first. Reneseas is the other current chip designer who has publicly announced a big.LITTLE design.
三星是ARM推广这种处理器的主要合作厂家, Reneseas 也有类似的big.LITTLE架构芯片。

Misconception #1: Samsung didn’t design this, ARM did. This is not some stupid marketing gimmick.

The point of the design is to meld the advantages of the A7 processor architectures, with its extreme power efficiency, with the A15 architecture, with extreme performance at a cost of power consumption.
The A7 cores are slightly slower than an A9 equivalent, but using much less power. The A15 cores are in another ballpark in terms of performance but their power consumption is also extreme on this current manufacturing generation.

The effective goal is to achieve the best of both worlds. Qualcomm on the other does this by using their own architecture which is similar in some design aspects to the A15 architecture,


Currently, the official word seems to be that the A7 cluster is configured to run from 200 to 1200MHz, and the A15 cluster from 200 to 1600MHz.
现在,官方辞令好像是A7频率为200–1200MHz,A15  200–1600Mhz
There are several use-cases of how the design can be used, and it is purely limited by software, as the hardware configuration is completely flexible.

In-Kernel Switcher (IKS)
This is what most of us will see this in our consumer products this year; Effectively, you only have a virtual quad-core processor.
The A15 cores are paired up with the A7 core clusters. Each A15 has a corresponding A7 “partner”. Hardware wise, this pair-up has no physical representation as provided by an actual die-shot of the Exynos Octa.
A15核心和A7核心一一配对。每个A15核心都有一个对应的A7伙伴, 但在硬件层面, Exynos Octa 并没有在硬件层面绑定这种结构
The IKS does the same thing as a CPU governor. But instead of switching CPU frequency depending on the load, it will switch between CPUs.

Effecively, you are jumping from one performance/power curve to another: And that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.
The actual implementation is a very simple driver on the side of the kernel which measures load and acts much like a CPU governor.
The above is a demonstration; you can see how at most times the A7 cores are used for video playback, simple tasks, and miscellaneous computations.
The A15 cores will kick in when there is more demanding load being processed, and then quickly drop out again to the A7 cores when it’s not doing much anymore.
Misconception #2: You DON’T need to have all 8 cores online, actually, only maximum 4 cores will ever be online at the same time.
Misconception #3: If the workload is thread-light, just as we did hot-plugging on previous CPUs, big.LITTLE pairs will simply remain offline under such light loads. There is no wasted power with power-gating.
Misconception #4: As mentioned, each pair can switch independently of other pairs. It’s not he whole cluster who switches between A15 and A7 cores. You can have only a single A15 online, together with two A7’s, while the fourth pair is completely offline.
说明4:特别说一下,每个A7+A15伴生对可以独立切换,并不是要么4个A7工作要么4个A15工作。你可以只有1个A15+2个A7核心工作,同时,第四对伴生对不参加工作。(负载大概在8000DMIPS以上的时候,A7所有核心都切出工作,而在约5000DMIPS以下的时候,A15是不参与计算的。5000–8000DMIPS阶段,1个A15核心+2~3个A7核心共同负担计算。)(1GHZ运行时,a8核心2000DMIPS ,a9为2200DMIPS。a7和a9差不多)
Misconception #5: The two clusters have their own frequency planes. This means A15 cores all run on one frequency while the A7 cores can be running on another. However, inside of the frequency planes, all cores run at the same frequency, meaning there is only one frequency for all cores of a type at a time.


